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Capsicum Peppigrande Red Seed

Capsicum annuum

Capsicum Peppigrande Red Seed

Regular price R 46.00 ZAR
Regular price Sale price R 46.00 ZAR
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Pack Size
(Approx 5 seeds)
Corno-shaped pepper has outstanding crisp texture, rich flavour and more sweetness than large-fruited peppers. Fruit is often seedless, which means less preparation time for chopping and cooking; great on the grill or baked stuffed with cheese. To produce seedless fruit, grow it in isolation from other (non-seedless) pepper varieties. If it is not isolated, it will produce larger, great-tasting fruit with just a few seeds. Best grown in-ground with support of stakes or a cage.

Plant Information

Plant Type: Annual

Growing Information

General Sowing Time: Summer

Position: Full Sun

Sow Depth:



Days to Harvest:


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